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Tradervue Online Trading Journal Connector

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Compatible With NT8 Only

Keeping a paper based trading journal is hard!

Entering trades in a trading journal enables you to view the trades in black and white, rather than just relying on your memory, which for most humans, is a stretch.

More importantly, a trading journal allows you to step back and view your trades as a group of trades, and not as individual and ultimately random transactions.

This sounds like a lot of work, right? And, if you had to do this all by hand, it would be!

This point is where the power of an online trading journal comes into play. Using an online trading journal takes all the tedious work away so that all you are left with is an easy method to track and analyze your progress.

With the Tradervue online trading journal, the process of becoming a more disciplined and profitable trader is exponentially shortened. Using an online trading journal such as Tradervue enables you to both, examine each particular trade and also the progression of your trading performance.


Journal Lync – the NinjaTrader add-on for Tradervue!

NinjaTrader Auto upload to Tradevue online trading journal

“An online trading journal is one of the best ways to improve your trading – and Tradervue is the most powerful tool available to track and analyze your trades.”

Journal Lync is a NinjaTrader add-on for real-time journaling of your trades into the Tradervue Online Trade Journal!

Tradervue provides active stock, futures, and forex traders a tool to help keep an online trade journal, and eliminate the busy work associated with maintaining a traditional paper-based trade journal. Tradervue also offers analytics to help quantify trading performance, potentially leading to the identification of patterns that may have been hidden.

Click here to get Tradervue.

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What Customers Say

Online Journal

Josiah S.


I recently purchased the NinjaTrader to Tradervue Online Trade Journal Connector and an finding it a great benefit. I used Tradervue before to journal but now find having the trades imported in automatically a simple time-saving bonus and the plugin was easy to install and has worked without a problem. - Josiah S.


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