NinjaTrader Indicators


Fibonacci Lines on Session

Fast and Easy Fib Analysis

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Massive Time Saver for Dynamically Drawing
Fibonacci Support and Resistance Lines

  • Enter up to 10 Fibonacci percentages (like 0.5, 0.618, 1.618, 5.618, etc).
  • The Fibonacci percentages below 1.0 (like 0.618) will be drawn between the High and Low levels.
  • The Fibonacci percentages above 1.0 (like 1.618, 2.75, etc) will be drawn both above the High and below the Low. This is a huge improvement to the indicator…much more flexible.
  • Takes a user defined start time and session length and calculates the high and low range of that period of time on each day, and then calculates several key Fibonacci retracement and extension levels from that high and low.
  • As you scroll back the chart, the indicator dynamically finds the most recent session (high and low) and draws the Fibonacci levels that were in play at that particular time.
  • Great for historical analysis

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What Customers Say

Best trading platform

Scott C.


I am impressed with your Fibonacci on Session indicator. Fib lines are important support and resistance but can be difficult to continually update on an intraday basis. Your indicator is the first one I have used that not only works but works well. The ability to switch to history mode and see where the fib lines were drawn on the chart on past days is quite helpful as well. Thanks for your quick and helpful support when requested.


You will need 1 license per trading computer. Example: If you want to install on a desktop, laptop, and a work computer, you will need a license for 3 computers. Each license comes at a discount.

Today for just $77


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