Category Archives: Day Trading

Day trading best practices | Free trading education

Trade Plan – Starting Your Pre-Market Trading Checklist

Doing a pre-market trade plan is a critical step toward setting yourself up for a successful trading session.  I try to have myself set up as follows for when the regular trading hours begin: 1. Set-up Your Trading Environment For starters,… + More

February 18, 2023

Indicator Warehouse

Day Trading Psychology Tips from Richard Friesen

Sometimes I find trading psychology material a bore because more often than not, it’s the same old stuff repeated.  Certainly, successful management of your emotions, biases and triggers are of paramount importance to the trader. But, what has always been missing… + More

February 15, 2023

Indicator Warehouse

How to trade crude oil

Three Great New Trading Books

Erich Senft has completed (or updated) three New Trading Books. Note: These books contain valuable information for both Indicator Warehouse Trading Systems owners and regular commodities traders.  “Trading Strategies for the Short Funded: the Secret Setups”  The manual is a distillation of the… + More

December 22, 2022

Indicator Warehouse

high probability trades

What Brad Pitt Taught Me About Trading

Moneyball (2011) is a bio-sports-movie about Billy Beane, played by Brad Pitt, the manager of the Oakland A’s baseball team and his struggles to put together a competent team while working with a severely limited budget. The movie is well… + More

November 25, 2022

Indicator Warehouse

Stop Loss Orders

Best Practices for Using Stop Loss Orders for Risk Management

Day Trading Futures: Using Stop Loss Orders Stop loss orders (also referred to as a stop-loss, or stops) is a tool that is used to exit a trade once its movement begins to lose money. Anytime the market starts to… + More

October 23, 2022

Indicator Warehouse

candlestick patterns

Using Candlesticks to Trade, but Still NOT Seeing the Light

Candlestick Patterns, an Introduction The internet is chocked full of blogs, sites and training courses that include a popular approach to market analysis using candlestick patterns.  For those of you who don’t know already, candlestick pattern usage in trading attempts… + More

October 8, 2022

Indicator Warehouse

How to Know if Your Day Trading System Works?

Is System Backtesting Worth It? Imagine if you have six losses in a row. But, you are okay with it.  What would that mean?  In short, it says you’re confident in your system because you KNOW that over time, you… + More

July 9, 2022

Indicator Warehouse

Learn to Day Trade Webinar

Learn to Day Trade with Trading Webinars and Mentors

The Most Effective Method to Learn to Day Trade Most people who want to learn to day trade start out sifting through the thousands of trading books found on the Internet.  In their quest to learn to day trade, most… + More

May 19, 2022

Indicator Warehouse

Great Day Trading Systems

How to Make the Perfect Day Trading Sandwich

When people use the term “day trading”, they mean the act of buying and selling stocks, commodities, or foreign currencies within the same day. Day traders seek to make profits by leveraging large amounts of capital to take advantage of small… + More

November 13, 2021

Indicator Warehouse

Topstep Trader Account Choices

Indicator Warehouse Customer Completes $150k TST Combine Only Using DTS!

Recently I wrote about the power of setting S.M.A.R.T. trading goals.  So, I could not have been more pleasantly surprised when I received an email from long time customer, Achim Stollem, that he completed his Topstep Trader $150k Combine using nothing more… + More

January 21, 2021

Indicator Warehouse