Day Trading Tips and Tricks

October 7, 2024

Indicator Warehouse

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Master the Art of Day Trading

Creativity, perfection, and cheating the impossible.

I recently watched this inspiring Ted talk by Philippe Petit (high wire artist and death-defying magician).  He is the real-life person that inspired the recent the movie The Walk, the docudrama of his amazing real-life tightrope walk between the Twin Towers.

For better or worse, after all my years of being involved in day trading, often times I associate things in life with action on a chart.  If I’m going through a rough spot in my life I think of it as nothing more than a dip in my daily life action that is hitting a point of support. As such, my expectation is that it will eventually bounce and rise into a positive trend in the near future. Of course, using this metaphor, there are times when I also bang up against personal challenges or as I call them life resistance points.

As I was listening to Philippe’s amazing story, I could not help but think of how it applies to this incredibly challenging, frustrating, and ultimately rewarding thing called day trading. 

 Day trading for financial freedom

It’s worth 18 minutes of your life to watch the presentation. However, here is my summary of his talk…

  • Always be professional in your pursuit of trading perfection
  • Passion should be the motto of all your trading activity
  • Tenacity is how you keep at it against all odds
  • Intuition is essential in your trading
  • Invent your own techniques and bring them to perfection
  • Have faith in times of doubt 
  • Inspiration. By inspiring ourselves we inspire others.
  • Don’t be afraid to improvise. Improvisation is empowering because it welcomes the unknown. And since what’s impossible is always unknown, it will enable you to cheat the impossible.
  • Find people who will give you encouragement. They are the ones that will push you forward to triumph!





October 7, 2024

Indicator Warehouse

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