Tag Archives: Trading System

Trading Account Protect | 5 Things that will Help
You wouldn’t embark on our day trading journey if we thought you were going to lose money. I think only the most masochistic of gamblers gets into day trading specifically to blow up their trading account. After only a bit… + More

What is the Best Futures Market to Trade?
Selecting the Best Markets When Day Trading Futures The best futures market for you as a beginning day trader is the one that meets the simple criteria of a low maintenance margin, and a small tick value. Additionally, it should… + More

Choosing the Right Stop Loss Strategy
I talk with traders all the time about their Stop loss strategy. The number one concern I hear is getting stopped out and then having the trade turn back in the direction of its original move. This can be incredibly… + More

What the Heck is Technical Analysis? A Trader’s Guide
“And they’re off!”………..or are they? Although the horse race begins with a loud announcement and a bell, we unfortunately do not have the same clear signals much of the time in the markets. Technical analysis is a game of incomplete information… + More

NinjaTrader Commodities Trading System
Modern Commodities Trading Trading commodities online using a custom NinjaTrader day trading system is quicker and more profitable than traditional methods Futures Brokers When the Internet became a mainstream service, and online trading followed suit, day trading systems became readily available, and conventional commodity brokers… + More

Discover How to Overcome 5 Common Day Trading Mistakes
The ability to make rational decisions is a critical in all aspects of your life – trading and social. Once you have identified and eliminated the most common day trading mistakes, you can expect satisfaction, success and professional growth. Day… + More

Dealing with Losing Trades
I have been a trading software provider for over eight years. After thousands of hours of phone time with a broad range of traders, I’ve learned a lot about people, trading, and psychology. But, there is one phenomenon that continues… + More

Learn Day Trading from the Ground Up
It is possible to learn day trading, even if you don’t have any experience with the stock or commodities markets at all. The important thing to do is to make certain you have the fundamentals down before you try to… + More

Patience and Trading Choppy Markets… Wait for the KILL!
What’s a trader to do when faced with seriously soggy markets? I don’t know about you, but I don’t like day trading the chop; even Indicator Warehouse futures trading expert Erich Senft says it may be best to find a… + More

The Stock Market is Ripe for Day Trading
Some people think the most successful people are, on the whole, a happy lot. It always seems that Lady Luck smiles in their direction. As they move from one success to another, others sit on the sidelines and complain it’s… + More