Category Archives: Day Trading

Focus on Day Trading Futures to Generate the Most Profits
Day Trading Futures May Be YOUR Key to Building Profits The enormous daily volume of day trading futures along with its deep liquidity eliminates overnight risk while still generating profits. Often requiring lower margins, day trading futures provides an optimal way… + More

Discover the Power of Setting Trading Goals
Trading Goals are Important Everyone knows goals are important. Most of us have set goals for our personal life. It should be no different for our Trading Life as well. Personal goals may include losing some weight, exercising more, quitting… + More

Online Trading Security, a Critical Part of Your Trade Plan
If you’re using an online trading system to make money, you need to be certain your online trading security is set up correctly. What it comes to online trading, it takes more than just a super fast trading computer. When… + More

Top Four Recommendations for Using Your Trading Time Effectively
Big “T” stands for Time, not Trading – Why is that? No, the Big “T” is not trading. That is the little “t”. The Big “T” is Time. After all, at the end of the Big “T” is the… + More

Professional Futures Trader Loves DTS Trading System
The Diversified Trading System day trading software (DTS) continues to shock and amaze every futures trader who uses it. And I’m not just talking about newbie traders – I’m talking about seasoned forex, stock, and futures traders. After 17 years… + More

Trade as I Say, Not as I Do – Really?
Being a trader, I’m always interested in articles and books on trading. I like to see how other traders do things, and every once in a while I’ll learn something new. I just finished an interesting book on Stock trading… + More

Commodity Trading using Seasonal Trend Analysis
To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose, even in commodity trading. Sometimes futures day traders who primarily work with the e-mini indices forget there is a much broader choice of commodity trading products in the marketplace…. + More

Use the Daily Range to Set Stop Loss and Profit Targets
Anyone who spends any time in our trade room, or simply talking to me about trading knows I am a support and resistance addict. I use it daily, with every trade. My approach to trading ANYTHING relies on the information… + More

Learn How to Effectively Use Risk Management Software
The Right Risk Management Software Can Increase Your Profits By using risk management software effectively, you can increase your profits and reduce the amount of risk on each trade you make. Reducing risk can sometimes be equated to greater profitability. Many… + More

Is There a Trading Holy Grail?
Trading Knowledge incorporates time. It’s a mixture of Data + Tools + Experience. As your ability and experience increases, your toolchest will change. This is the same as any craftsman. You begin with the trading equivalent of a screwdriver, hammer and nails ; read trade books ; and perhaps even neophyte under a Skilled Trader or 2 or 3. Ultimately , your talents improve and so does your requirement for more classy trading tools.