Category Archives: Day Trading

Patience and Trading Choppy Markets… Wait for the KILL!
What’s a trader to do when faced with seriously soggy markets? I don’t know about you, but I don’t like day trading the chop; even Indicator Warehouse futures trading expert Erich Senft says it may be best to find a… + More

The Stock Market is Ripe for Day Trading
Some people think the most successful people are, on the whole, a happy lot. It always seems that Lady Luck smiles in their direction. As they move from one success to another, others sit on the sidelines and complain it’s… + More

Everything you need to know about Using a Stop Loss
Today’s topic is one of the most important issues we deal with as traders: The Stop Loss. A stop loss is an order we place in the market after we decide where our entry should be. It essentially closes our… + More

The “Move du Jour” Trading Rule
Successful trading has as much to do with timing as anything else. You can have all the best tools at your disposal, but that won’t help you much if you miss the move of the day. Most markets will make… + More

Is it Time for a Trading Strategy Tune-up?
Your Trading Strategy Can Easily Be Improved It is time for a new trading strategy if you are taking profits too quickly and letting losers run in the wrong direction. The combination of the two often ends up shortening the professional… + More

The Foundations for Day Trading Software and Education
Day Trading Software is Just One Piece of the Puzzle Finding the best method to learn to trade successfully each day regularly specialized tools and education. Unlike college, where you to were required to demonstrate what you learned via testing… + More

Generate Day Trading Profits with a Small Account
Day Trading Profits are Not Just For Large Account Traders While it is certainly true that it takes money to make money, not everyone has a well-funded trading account for their trading portfolio. Typically, beginning traders start off with a… + More

Use Multiple Day Trading Strategies at the Same Time
Day Trading Strategies can make trading Hurricane Commodities profitable! Most traders that use day trading strategies to buy and sell commodities are unaware that they can analyze weather patterns to determine if they should enter or exit a futures contract…. + More

The Online “Free” Trading Advice Sickness
You can believe everything you read on the Internet – RIGHT? Of course, you can – it’s in print – RIGHT? Wrong! There is so much stuff out there regarding trading it’s not even funny; most of this “stuff” can… + More

Four Important But Overlooked Day Trading Tools
If you plan to get into day trading, you’re going to need a few things that don’t directly have to do with actually buying and selling stocks, futures, or currencies. Some of the most important day trading tools you will… + More