Day Trading Tips and Tricks

March 10, 2016

Erich Senft

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Bernard Casiez

After a career in business, I wanted to manage personally my portfolio with the objective to derive a decent return on my hard earned money. And I wanted to do it with method and proper organization. Not the kind of investing guided by pure feeling or word of mouth or from fundamental time expensive research. Being a technical analyst minded, I made a certain number of technical software evaluation available on the market and I found the software developed by IndicatorWarehouse. My only regret is not to have found it much earlier! The software is a very valuable tool to manage my trades (market indexes, equities) and reduce my stress and my risk in giving me the proper entries, exits, stops, supports and resistances to build my portfolio over time. I can’t trade anymore without it. Moreover, the Indicator Warehouse team offers a superb and friendly support in assisting the user by way of personal support, access to trade rooms, a very comprehensive website offering tutoring etc. Several reasonably priced software are offered and anyone can find the software tailored to his or her specific needs for trading short, medium or longer term. A must and a well worth investment for serious traders!

March 10, 2016

Erich Senft

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