Tag Archives: Trading Apps

Treat Your Trading Business Seriously and You Will Reap the Rewards
There is a Psychology to taking your trading business seriously. Are you running a trading business or is it a VERY expensive hobby? I challenge you to answer this question and be HONEST with yourself. All too often I speak… + More

The Biggest Trading Error You Can Make in Day Trading
The reality is more trades does not always translate into more profit. In fact, I would venture a guess that many of our customers that have traded for a few years can attest to the fact that the times they remember… + More

Using Multiple Day Trading Systems
The Power of Diversified Trading Systems I get these types of calls all the time. A prospective new customer has been trying to trade for 2 -5 years. They have already dropped 10-20K into books, gurus, and trade room. And, for all… + More

Three Trading Methods with the same Goal
In deciding what trades to take and when we all must use various forms of information to make those choices. How we arrive at the conclusion, though, consists of virtually unlimited combinations of options and pathways in both information acquisition… + More

Handling Day Trading Stress
The speed and convenience of day trading have made it attractive to many people who may not otherwise have been involved in the stock or commodities markets at all. If you are like many of the individuals who get involved… + More

Trade Service vs. Trading System
Is a Trade Service the Path to Profitably without Learning a Trading System? There are two opposing ways to become an effective day trader that has the potential to generate more profits than losses. The first one involves significant trading… + More

Be a Losing Trader and Still Win at Making Money
As a day trader, there is no way to be right all the time and losses are inevitable. But, with proper trade management, one trader’s loss could be another trader’s win. So, how right do you have to be? Traders with a… + More

Trading Burnout… Are You a Boiled Frog?
[1:47 No frogs were injured when making this video] What is trading burnout? I checked out several sources and here are some of the definitions: 1. The cessation of operation usually of a jet or rocket engine; also: the point… + More

5 Ways to Sabotage Successful Day Trading
Let’s face it. Trading is TOUGH! Impossible? No. Difficult? Yes. It takes a lot of work, failure, and experience to make it. Yes, this “Shangri-La” of profitable, consistent successful day trading is attainable and reachable, but the path to get… + More

Trading Account Protect | 5 Things that will Help
You wouldn’t embark on our day trading journey if we thought you were going to lose money. I think only the most masochistic of gamblers gets into day trading specifically to blow up their trading account. After only a bit… + More