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Futures Profit Run 2014 with Erich Senft – April 21 – Day 5

Futures Profit Run 2014 with Erich Senft – June 6

Day Trading Profit Run 2014

Profit Run for April 21st, 2014

Easter Monday was just as crazy as anyone would have anticipated it to be. The market was very choppy, probably due in part to the fact that Easter Monday is a statutory holiday in Europe and their markets were closed. I should’ve taken my cue from the Euro’s and taken the day off. Not that it wasn’t profitable, but it was a grind to get there. Thank goodness Soybeans came through for me! Total for the day: $410 profit.

Happy 50th Birthday Marvin!

Sold NQ 6-14 2@3527.25
Bought NQ 6-14 2@3531.25
Trade Loss $160

Sold NQ 6-14 1@3531.50
Bought NQ 6 -14 1@ 3535.50
Trade Loss $80

Bought NQ 6-14 1@3530.00
Sold NQ 6-14 1@3533.75
Trade Profit $75

Sold ZS 7-14 2@1482 3/4
Bought ZS 7-14 2@1487 1/4
Trade Profit $575

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