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Futures Profit Run 2014 with Erich Senft – June 2

Futures Profit Run 2014 with Erich Senft – June 6

Day Trading Profit Run 2014

Profit Run for June 2nd, 2014

The start of a new month, last week of the Profit Run and it’s beginning to look like an entirely different market! We actually had some momentum today, which was a nice change, but not so much momentum that it was difficult trading. A few reports came out which helped spark the markets sending the Indices into a big decline early on bad news only to have them recover again before the end of the morning. Can anything keep these markets down?

Good news is that DTS caught the signals going both ways. I should have done a little better today, but I micro-managed my way out of what would have been a profitable mini-Dow trade. $245 profit for the morning.

Sold NQ 6-14 3@3720.25
Bought NQ 6-14 1@3727.75
Bought NQ 6-14 2@3726.25
Trade Profit $210

Sold YM 6-14 4@16710
Bought YM 6-14 4@16727
Trade Loss $340

Sold YM 6-14 3@16698
Bought YM 6-14 1@16686
Bought YM 6-14 2@16692
Trade Profit $120

Bought ZS 7-14 1@1490 1/2
Sold ZS 7-14 1@1496
Trade Profit $275

Sold YM 6-14 2@16683
Bought YM 6-14 2@16693
Trade Loss $100

Bought YM 6-14 1@16707
Sold YM 6-14 1@16723
Trade Profit $80

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