NinjaTrader Indicator Warehouse | Trading System


As I sit here on Christmas Day after all the calls to various family members around the world, after all the neighborhood “hubub” which comes with the blessing of living in a loving community (People in Oregon are WONDERFUL!), I am reminded that the holidays are more than just time away from the market.  Too often I see the world in economic terms, and the holidays just appears to be a vehicle by which goods and services are exchanged at a brisk pace (to put it lightly).

Instead, today has reminded me that without those around us which truly give a force to the season, rather than the economic desires of businesses likely to benefit from the gift giving.  It is a reminder that we truly can accomplish much when we are motivated as a community.  If only we could carry much of the same spirit past the hangover of New Year, and the return to the “ol‘ grindstone”.  If only we could throttle back a little more on our pursuit of “The American Dream”, and realize that the heart of “The Dream” really involved a healthy and stable community functioning as an organism, NOT the culmination of individuals succeeding and living beside one another.  In this holiday season, I wish you ALL the success that business can bring, along with the understanding that complete success involves leaving a positive mark in your community.

I want to thank everyone in the trading community here for a wonderful year of being able to know you, and work with many of you.  It surely is a pleasure of mine to be in contact with so many of you as you continue on your financial pursuit of better trading.  As with any year, we have had opportunities, and some misses, but overall it is the fact that so many of you have come together to work cohesively that truly something that inspires me.  To all our clients, members, readers and traders, may your holiday season be something to truly cherish always, and may your greetings be well met, and your homes warm with love and togetherness this joyous season.  Happy Holidays and Joyous New Year!

To my fellow Indicator Warehouse staff members, thank you for all the contributions you make which lead to new knowledge, new friendships, new discoveries.  May the holidays give you respite from the incredibly tenacious job you all do at your respective positions on this ship.  Might the winds be to our backs, and the seas calm as we navigate towards innovation in the future, although I have full confidence in all of you when gales blow and giant waves abound around us.  Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings!


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