Day Trading Tips and Tricks

May 24, 2024

Indicator Warehouse

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How to Trade Unpredictable Market Conditions

Trading Through Tough market conditionsWith unstable market conditions often acting in ways we can’t explain, it becomes easy for day traders to get frustrated and lose confidence in their ability to make good trading decisions.

Let’s face it; some days are just hard days to trade. But when the markets throw me curve balls, there are a couple rules of thumb I always go by to balance out the uncertainty and keep large risks at bay:

  • Most importantly, recognize the unpredictable market conditions. If you don’t take a second to realize that the market is throwing you curve balls, it might be too late for you to make the adjustments necessary.
  • Use a money management tool like Trade Manager to lower your maximum risk from 5% down to 1% of your entire account. When the markets are unstable, it is easy to over trade. By reducing your risk you can take more trades in a day and withstand the small losses long enough to get the important wins.

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May 24, 2024

Indicator Warehouse

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