NinjaTrader Indicator Warehouse | Trading System

30,000 Foot View of Day Trading Systems

the best NinjaTrader trading systemSo you’ve found yourself here at the Indicator Warehouse site, and you’ve taken a look at Diversified Trading Systems (DTS), the last day trading solution for NinjaTrader you’ll ever need.  How can we make such a BOLD statement?  It’s easy!  We’ve created day trading systems that address every aspect of day trading – again, ANOTHER BOLD statement.  “How on earth can these guys get away with that” you’re saying?

DTS is not a “one size fits all system”, it’s a day trading solution that not only provides you with great entries for the various market conditions we face today as day traders, but it also includes an essential ingredient that MANY day trading system creators fail to acknowledge even: solid money management!  Not only have we created a tool that automatically manages your stops, but it tells you how many contracts to trade by YOUR account size and YOUR risk tolerances…..NOT ours!

We have taken DTS one step further by providing FREE education and training for all DTS owners; how many times have you purchased a trading system and then there is no on-going instruction and support?  Or, how about you join a trading room, but to have the software you need to keep paying the substantial monthly fees?  With DTS, you’ll receive training from seasoned trading experts in a live trading environment for FREE. You read that correctly.  Once you invest in a Diversified Trading System, there are no additional fees for the trade room, the training videos, and access to the private user groups.  

Watch the video and get a “Birds Eye View” of what DTS is all about.

With our Diversified Day Trading Systems you get:

  1. Crystal clear entry signals with “heads-up” alerts
  2. Automated trailing stops/money management
  3. Risk management correlated to your tolerances and account size
  4. Multiple ways to confirm accuracy for each trade, no more guessing!  Whether it’s following the SIMPLE rules for each Bird or using the ability for the birds to “talk to each other, you’ll always be outing your best foot forward.
  5. And last but not least: unlimited FREE access to the training rooms, countless hours of video in the Indicator Warehouse Members site, and access to a forum that’s devoted strictly to DTS.

Is DTS “the Holy Grail”, of course not!  There is no such thing in trading!  But as far as having you covered for entries, exits, risk management, and education……we have you covered!

Join us in our Trade Room.  Click HERE to Register.

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