NinjaTrader Indicator Warehouse | Trading System

5 Secret Mind Hacks of Master Traders

Evolution of Day Trading

Using Trading Psychology to Evolve as a Day Trader

I recently received another great “Thank you” from a client of Indicator Warehouse.  Nothing speaks louder than a customer saying “Job well done.” When I was adding the new comment to our Testimonials page, I realized there is something even Better than a New satisfied customer… and that is an OLD satisfied Customer.

As I was reviewing our testimonials page, I have to say I was caught off-guard by how many people have written in with such positive “Updates” about their trading journey.

Look… I am proud of the innovative trading tools and services we’ve brought to the marketplace.  But, the real test of value is longevity.  Knowing that people are successfully using our trading solutions on a long-term basis is the ultimate business trophy.

The feedback and data from our long-term customers motivated me to search for common threads of wisdom.  What I discovered is that all successful tend to evolve by going through similar developmental cycles of trading psychology.

Typically, most traders start out jumping from system to system in search of the holy grail of trading. However, as time goes on and they start to find methods that work for their unique personalities they often come up against a new challenge. That challenge is their own ability to consistently follow their trading plan. Although this may sound like a simple thing to do, those of us who have traded for a while know it is often the greatest obstacle to any trader’s success.

However, there are tried and true tools and techniques that are used by successful traders to instantly hack your trader brain for success. Unfortunately, these tools and techniques are usually reserved for $2,000 per hour trading psychology coaching sessions and are rarely exposed to the general public.

Not anymore!  Rich Friesen, founder of MindMuscles for Traders and long time trading psychology consultant for Indicator Warehouse is available to discuss the exact methods he has used for years in his trading psychology practice to help you evolve into a consistently profitable and professional day trader. 

You can contact Richard from HERE.

I look forward to posting your experience into our library of Indicator Warehouse success stories.



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