Day Trading Tips and Tricks

January 17, 2014

Erich Senft

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Shaun Glendinning

DTS is colour coded for easy visual identification, especially for the beginner. I personally love trading all three birds at the same time! It allows me to trade any market condition. The support system at IW is great.  DTS does all the behind the scene calculations and gives you the heads-up to get ready for the trade, as well as the exact entries to take. It’s a one package deal! One price and you have all you need to trade any market condition. With the Trade Manager there is no more need to work out how many contracts I need to take or what is my allocated risk on any particular trade. It does it all for you! I think the Trade Manager is the best part of my whole DTS package. It gave me the confidence to take the trade setup as and when it presented itself. I must say without a doubt that “DTS” as a package, stands head and shoulders above all of its competitors. I have not come across any trading software package that offers the same degree of simplicity, support, and just all round accuracy when it comes to executing a trade! Thanks to all concerned with this great trading platform.

January 17, 2014

Erich Senft

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